New year, new books! If you've set yourself a goal to read more this year, we're here to help you embrace the challenge. The beauty of reading resolutions is that they're not ironclad contracts; they're reminders to explore, learn, grow and sometimes stumble a bit in the process. Instead of stressing over goals, remember that reading isn't a race; it's a journey. Slow down and give yourself space to enjoy each page. This could be the year you rediscover the joy of losing yourself in a story. Let’s turn those pages together! To help you get started, our librarians have ten simple tips (and a few title suggestions) to get you back on track: 1. Start off short and sweet Long, hefty novels can be daunting even to the most dedicated readers. Grant yourself easy gratification with quick reads that your mind can glide through. There are plenty of short books and novellas that will quickly grip your attention and leave you feeling accomplished. ...